About the Webmaster

  • Name: Emile
  • Pronouns: she/they
  • Favorite colors: red and black
  • Favorite animals: rodents
  • Favorite music: early 2000's pop/pop punk
  • Favorite Tamagotchis: Lovelitchi, Watawatatchi, Clione Deviltchi
  • Favorite Animal Crossing villager: Hugh
  • Favorite Enstars units: Ra*bits, fine

I'm a writer with a Bachelor's in Creative Writing, but really I'm also just a transguy hobbyist artist and someone who's online a lot. I like toys and cute things, and in my spare time I crochet and knit. I enjoy learning new things too, and I try my best to study languages (Japanese and ASL) on the side. My gender is "boy who is a princess." 👑

I was taught the basics of HTML as early as middle school, so I guess I've been working with HTML for a long time! I've always liked seeing what I could do with it even without a real website. I didn't do much coding for a long time until I learned about Neocities; after being inspired by others' pages, I built this website in order to have a place to express myself. Cuteness is comforting and hopeful for me, so this is a personal place with all the things I love packed into it. The concept of the small web is something I enjoy, as social media has left me frustrated and burnt out. I've enjoyed the culture of Neocities a lot since I've joined!

My URL is a reference to the UNDEAD song Honey Milk wa Okonomi de (or Honey Milk As You Like). My footer is one of Rei's in-game voice lines. This site is built around the feelings and aesthetics that Honey Milk brings to mind!

I hope you enjoy yourself on my website. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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Fun quiz results

Enstars memes

My buttons

Feel free to take one to link to me!

80 x 15

88 x 31

English Ensemble Stars!! Music Profile

A screenshot of my Ensemble Stars profile with lots of Tori images. My username is Villanelle, and my status reads: The endless pursuit of fine! in pink text.