Blood Scarf

- Pattern used: Zombie Apocalypse Scarf by Pikeys
- Materials: Craft Smart Value Solid in White and Bright Red
- Tools: 5.5mm wooden circular knitting needles
This simple stockinette scarf worked up so great. Since I don't have 16 inch circulars to knit it in the round (and my skills with magic loop are currently abysmal), I instead knit it flat and seamed it up into a tube at the end; the result is a scarf that is so soft and thick to the touch. I have to mention Diana Sullivan's tutorial for a faster, flatter mattress stitch, because it's fucking incredible how flat and invisible the seams are on this scarf. It was also my first time doing duplicate stitch, but it was simple enough and I love the effect. My difficulties came after I finished it, when I was giving it a cursory rinse to get rid of any dust and relax the stitches a bit. It turns out Craft Smart in Bright Red likes to bleed yellow and pink dye! I don't know if it's an issue with my specific dye lot or the brand itself, but soaking it in a plastic bin consistently gave me water that was noticeably dark with dye, and I couldn't leave it to dry on a towel because it would leave pink wherever it touched. It'll learn me to do tests for colorfastness, I suppose, but I was under the impression that acrylic yarn could not colorbleed and I've never had an issue with it before--even with other red yarn. You can imagine my mild panic given that 2/3rds of the scarf is white and would surely soak up any dye that leaked. Luckily there was not much damage done in the initial soaks, and any pink that rubbed off cleaned easily enough with a bit of soap and water. If there's yellowing, it honestly doesn't look that bad (the pattern calls for more of an off-white anyway). God damn. Still looks sick as hell though, and one skein of each color was more than enough for the entire thing, even with my adding more inches of length to the white parts.