11/2/23 - Happy Birthday, Rei!

Today is the second time I've celebrated his birthday, and I've loved him more and more since last year! A lot has changed in this time... I made this website, I've gotten to know him better, and there have been changes in my personal life that will hopefully get me closer to the person I want to be. By next month, I'll consider us "married!" I hope we have even more happy years together.

I want to keep growing alongside him no matter what happens, and I want to celebrate our time together by cherishing every second that I feel close to him. I'd love to see him keep growing and changing too. Speaking of Rei, the Crossroad anime drops next week, and UNDEAD's climax event is hopefully soon! I definitely want to pick up their album for myself, and I might grab a copy of Ra*bits' album if it's still available. The following year is going to be super interesting for Enstars, I feel!